Simplified Living: How To Maximize The Minimalist Look In Interior Design

If you are ready to say goodbye to your current decorating style and switch to a more streamlined and minimalist look, you are not alone. The less-is-more movement continues to grow in popularity in interior design, as people desire to create a comfortable and uncluttered look in their home. Following a few guidelines will help you maximize the minimalist look in your home.

Go for a mismatched look

When everything matches, minimalist decorating can get a little boring. Using mismatched furniture groupings is a great way to break up the monotony and create a simple but refreshing look. Mismatched items create a sense of interest in a room.

For instance, use four matching chairs and two unmatching chairs in a dining room or kitchen grouping to create good eye appeal. In the living room, adding one contemporary piece of furniture with a traditional or rustic style can bring a unique and refreshing look to the room. Place a modern lamp on an antique table to create a stylistic tension in the room.

Take advantage of art

Use a single piece of art to create a focal point in a room rather than cluttering up the wall with multiple groupings. This is a great way to let your personality shine through in your interior design. Choose a large piece of framed art you love or a family heirloom piece you cherish to dress up a wall and create a focal point.

Placing the focus on one piece of art allows that piece to grab attention without any competition from other wall décor. You will enjoy showcasing your special piece of art, and focusing on specific art pieces will eliminate clutter in your interior design.

Freshen up the look with fresh or faux plants

Nothing refreshes a room like greenery, and faux or fresh plants make it easy to add soothing color to a neutral minimalist interior without overpowering the room with color. Place a large potted plant in a corner to break up the neutral palette in a living room. Use a vase of fresh greenery to create an eye-catching table centerpiece in any room.

Simplified interior design is all about creating a haven of serenity and peace within your home. Free from clutter, minimalist living is a trend that continues to pop up in homes across the country. The great thing about simplified living is how easy it is to create a look you love without sacrificing the things you care about most. Go to website for more ideas.
